christmas tree

eKiosk wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Now there are only a few days left until the well-deserved holidays.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers, partners and colleagues for the pleasant cooperation on challenging and creative projects! … Read More

fitness studio

Body Transformation with Digital Signage

Soon it will be time: new year, new resolutions. Stopping smoking, cycling more and eating less meat are among the usual New Year’s resolutions. But how often did you hear: “Next year I’ll register at the gym”? The New Year’s Eve party is over, the hangover is cured and at the beginning of January it’s time to train diligently. … Read More

Header für eine Seite mit geometrischen Formen in weiss

Trends for Digital Signage 2020

With digital signage it is possible to produce content that informs, entertains, interacts and fascinates – every day while shopping, travelling or queuing. The innumerable possible applications can be traced back to the development of the last decade. The success story of Digital Signage began with technological progress and marketing experts who recognized the benefits of the counterpart of poster advertising. As digital signage becomes increasingly dynamic and reactive, so does the associated market. This makes it all the more important to be up to date in order not to oversleep developments. … Read More

scotty and friends

“Beam me up, Scotty!” – Digital signage (almost) enables teleporting!

Imagine you could teleport yourself from home to New York, Dubai or Wellington at blazing speed. In a matter of seconds you’ll be in the middle of a completely different environment and interact with the people around you. Sounds like science fiction again, doesn’t it? Of course it is – in part. … Read More

medical consulting

New Whitepaper on Healthcare 4.0 – The Digital Way to Better Care

Up to 15 billion euros in sales, more than 10,000 additional jobs and savings up to 4 billion euros. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

However, these are precisely the future forecasts for the healthcare sector made by the business consulting firm Roland Berger. But these forecasts only apply to a digitized and state-of-the-art industry and ongoing digitization. … Read More

E-Auto an Ladestation Digital Signage an Ladestationen

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations as Outdoor Advertising Carriers

The share of electric vehicles in Germany is just over one percent. This is partly due to the lack of charging infrastructure for e-cars.

The Federal Cabinet has therefore adopted the Infrastructure Master Plan in recent days. It contains measures for the rapid development of a comprehensive and user-friendly charging infrastructure for up to ten million electric vehicles by 2030. More than three billion euros will be invested in this by 2023. … Read More

Intelligentes Digital Signage Marketing- und Gesichtserkennungskonzept. Zwei Frauen gehen durch interaktive digitale Werbung mit künstlicher Intelligenz im Einkaufszentrum des Einzelhandels.

Big Data: Curse or blessing for retail?

Understanding the customer – that is the goal of every retailer. Because the better the customer behaviour is examined, the more precisely needs and expectations can be met. The result: rising sales figures.

In e-commerce, customer analysis using Big Data has been common practice for some time now. This is also necessary in the technology-driven industrial age in order to remain competitive. As the name suggests, Big Data is a huge amount of data. … Read More

broken glass

Anti-reflective and hardened – Displays for every situation

Did you ever experience a cracked screen on your phone? Its annoying and makes your phone loose its aesthetic appeal. As well as that, the device’s functionality is often limited.

Of course, our terminals are not exempt from damage to the display either. If this really happens, it is usually due to external violence. … Read More


Kiosk systems – the adaptation professionals among displays

Queues – you can see them everywhere. At the bus stop, at the supermarket checkout, in the fast food restaurant or at check-in at the airport. One spends a considerable amount of time waiting and often asks oneself: “How can this go faster?

And that’ s exactly where digital kiosk systems come in. An additional terminal can speed up the process and make it smoother. … Read More

fire protection

Occupational health and safety rethought

Industry 4.0 – a buzzword that equally determines media and events. In connection with the design of future work, numerous new word creations such as leadership or employer 4.0 have emerged. However, terms which are provided with the addition 4.0 are not necessarily central drivers of industry and business, but reflect in part mere terms for facts in the digital context. Occupational health and safety is an important part of the changing world of work. The emergence of new technologies in production, logistics and transport also opens up new fields of action for occupational health and safety. The safety of employees must be rethought in the course of digitalisation and changing working conditions. … Read More