Bürgerterminal Sachsen

Citizens’ Terminal Saxony

DigitalCitizens’ terminalfor Sachsen Digital Citizen’s Terminal Individual Kiosk Terminal for Citizen Service in Saxony Within the scope of a tender, eKiosk produced the Citizens’ Terminal for the Saxon Ministry of the Interior. In addition to the individual redesign of the … Read More

Terminal im Retail, Globus

GLOBUS- Self-Service Store

Point of SaleGlobus-Store Customized digital signage pillars with interactive application for the PoS eKiosk and Fabrik19 are equipping the hypermarkets with interactive touch steles and a comprehensive app for greater customer satisfaction. In SB-GLOBUS hypermarkets, customers can use self-service touch … Read More

Fast – faster – 5G

The impact of a 5G network rollout on the digital signage industry

Consumers have barely converted to 4G but the successor is already on the doorstep. Changes due to digitalization are already normal, but what is special in this time is the speed with which changes are introduced. Companies no longer have years to adapt, but must implement new business models within months, preferably weeks. 5G will definitely have a decisive influence on exactly this and an impact on companies, but also on the end consumer. … Read More

Porträt eines jungen kaukasischen Mannes in Arbeitskleidung mit Tisch, Industrie 4.0

New Whitepaper on Industry 4.0

Made in Germany – the worldwide recognized seal of origin reflects the production power of Germany. The country has confidently established itself in the world’s top export markets through innovation. However, Germany is more reserved when it comes to implementing Industry 4.0 technologies. … Read More

old woman in an wheel chair outside

Digital signage in retirement homes

n Germany we are experiencing demographic change. Due to medical progress, people are getting older and older and the demographic group of people over 60 is growing. At the same time, the number of people in the younger age segment is declining. This is due to the changed birth rate. Fewer children, more senior citizens – this means that the need for retirement homes is very high and will continue to rise in the future. Operators of such facilities aim to make daily life as easy as possible for their residents. Interactive kiosk systems can be a great help here.

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face with voice recognition

Siri, I am your father!

Probably the most famous language assistance software not only recognizes film quotes but also answers. Almost every Apple user uses Siri on their smartphone. But isn’t a speech recognition system transferable to other devices? Sure, it is also imaginable in digital signage. So the smartphone could move from your pocket to the wall and the speech recognition system could move right along with it. … Read More

ekiosk employees

eKiosk at job fair 2020

The 19th job fair will take place on 6 February 2020 in the Rudolf Harbig Stadium (Lennéstr. 12, 01069 Dresden). We from eKiosk will also be on site and will be available for all questions. The entrance is free of charge. … Read More

crumpled bon

Why no digital sales slips?

Starting this year, the receipt requirement was introduced for all retailers in Germany. The cash register law was passed to “protect against manipulation of basic digital records”. Retailers must now print a receipt for every purchase, no matter how small, which has triggered an intense debate. Proponents believe that this is the only way to stop black market trading. Opponents argue that the state is only interested in knowing what the population actually purchases. … Read More

info terminals at trade fair

The interactice price tag

Digitalisation is on the advance and, of course, the automotive industry will not be spared.

Manufacturing, vehicle management, even price tags in car dealerships are part of the digital change. An article by Invidis focused on the latter. The trend is moving towards digital displays, which have already been used at car shows to present consumption data, price and features of the car. … Read More

ise trade fair

eKiosk at the ISE 2020

Together with 3d-berlin, eKiosk will be an exhibitor at the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2020 in Amsterdam from 11 – 14 February. Our models and the software of our partner 3d-berlin can be viewed at the joint stand (8-M355) in hall 8. You can meet us personally on the first two days of the fair (11. & 12.02.). … Read More