
Digital Signage in educational institutions

The education system has numerous requirements regarding the provision of information facilities, especially for event notes as well as lecture and timetables.

Fields of application

Visitor Management


credit charging station

digital door signs

Experience education.

Slowly, German educational institutions are also being equipped with digital devices in order to ensure up-to-date teaching. Investments in the education sector are a step in the right direction and help Germany catch up with the rest of Europe.

The younger generation in particular uses displays for several hours a day. Thus, digital signage is the modern way to communicate with the generation of the Millenials or Generation Z.

Experience education.

Slowly, German educational institutions are also being equipped with digital devices in order to ensure up-to-date teaching. Investments in the education sector are a step in the right direction and help Germany catch up with the rest of Europe.

The younger generation in particular uses displays for several hours a day. Thus, digital signage is the modern way to communicate with the generation of the Millenials or Generation Z.

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visitors remember digital billboards better than analog ones
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Improve communication

students on their way to the canteen

In education, good organisation is particularly important. Here digital communication can be absolutely helpful.

In lecture theatres, for example, room occupancy can be displayed dynamically and automatically by means of electronic door signs and even changed or booked directly on site via touch screen (with access authorisation). Through the use of payment terminals, transactions of the cafeteria card can be made using cash or EC card.

Multi-Touch Tables are used in projects as a modern instrument for presentation and thus offer an innovative and multimedia attractive alternative to PC or tablet.

In education, good organisation is particularly important. Here digital communication can be absolutely helpful.

In lecture theatres, for example, room occupancy can be displayed dynamically and automatically by means of electronic door signs and even changed or booked directly on site via touch screen (with access authorisation). Through the use of payment terminals, transactions of the cafeteria card can be made using cash or EC card.

Multi-Touch Tables are used in projects as a modern instrument for presentation and thus offer an innovative and multimedia attractive alternative to PC or tablet.

students on their way to the canteen


Bücherregal in Bibliothek mit Lichterkette, digital signage in Bildungseinrichtungen

University library uses Digital Signage

eKiosk supplied the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) with information displays and digital room signs. eKiosk was not only responsible for the production and installation of the hardware, but also partly in charge of the project management. … Read More

tu dresden Interactive terminals

Totems for rent at the MobileCamp Dresden

From 29th to 30th of April the leading BarCamp for mobile apps, start ups and digital communication takes place at the Technical University Dresden.

The MobileCamp has become one of the biggest BarCamps in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In this year, the organizers expect more than 300 guests from fields like software development, design and marketing. … Read More

The advantages of information and payment terminals in educational institutions

Generating Attention

Digital signage can be used to attract and hold the attention of students. Digital installations are far more effective than their static counterparts. Furthermore, a modern ambience is created, which above all conveys progress and modernity.

Integration and Education

Show your visitors a new, high-quality source of information by displaying news or user-relevant information in real time and transporting knowledge more sustainably. Collaboration can also be promoted, as community-building contributions from pupils or students can be presented uniformly throughout the entire educational institution.

Access to Spatial Planning

Digital signage makes room bookings easier and allows users to develop freely and create space for discussions and ideas. Chaos in room planning or double bookings can thus be avoided.

Daily Updated Information

No matter if you are absent for a lesson or a substitute, the users receive every message in real time and up to date. Such a digital bulletin board improves school communication and keeps every student and teacher up-to-date.

Time and Cost Savings

All information can be updated at lightning speed with just one mouse click. So you can update timetables, room plans or menus every day without much effort.


Certain safety standards must be observed in public buildings. Digital signage can display information on escape routes or first aid kits and make visitors aware of their own safety.

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