

Latest news about the company

Award Ceremony for the “So Geht’s Aufwärts” 2020 Business Prize

“Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten” together with Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden, supported by the Ministry of Economics and the chambers of commerce, award Saxon companies that particularly stand out for their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. eKiosk GmbH was also nominated in the current round. However, the 2020 award ceremony had to be postponed by one year due to the pandemic situation. … Read More

eKiosk Hardware for the Basic Income Machine

The United Nations’ sustainability goals should be achieved by 2030, for which creative ideas and solutions are needed. With eKiosk as a technology partner, digital value creators, a transformation and change management company, participated in this year’s “10toGO Thinkathon” ideas competition organized by Microsoft Germany and the Volkswagen Group with its Basic Income Machine application. … Read More

Holger Anders zeigt eHealth Zertifikat

eKiosk Offers Certified eHealth Digitization Consulting for Hospitals

Patient check-in terminals, where patients can register themselves and retrieve their patient data in a time-saving manner, are set to become the new standard in hospitals over the course of the year. With the Hospital Future Act of 23.10.2020 (see eKiosk blog “New Hospital Future Act paves the way for Health 4.0” of 3.11.2020), the expansion of the digital telematics infrastructure in the healthcare sector in Germany is being driven forward.
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Articles on various industry topics

Digital visitor management for industrial service providers

In many industrial companies, there is a lot of coming and going. Even today, however, visitor management is still mostly done ad hoc and with the help of manual lists or reception books. Automated visitor management can solve many challenges at the same time, as this practical case shows. … Read More

queue at super market

Safer Queuing With Clever Queue Management

Queuing at the supermarket checkout is a constant topic, especially during the current lockdown in Germany. After recurring relaxation of the measures, queues will quickly become a familiar sight again, even outside vital stores. They are not only time-consuming, but also pose a serious risk of infection in times of the pandemic: People gather in front of stores, boutiques, post offices and citizens’ offices, and despite distance rules and masks, infections cannot be ruled out. This is why there is a growing demand for methods and technologies to tackle the queuing problem. … Read More

erschöpfte Pflegerin sitzt auf Boden

New Hospital Future Law as a Pioneer of Health 4.0

The need for digital technologies in the health care system has existed not only since the emergence of the corona pandemic. However, recent events have shown that digitisation in Germany has not yet been sufficiently advanced in many areas, including the health sector. The Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz (KHZG – Hospital Future Act) passed in September is now intended to accelerate the process. … Read More


Our collected knowledge on all topics around Digital Signage

woman at a touch terminal

Interactive Digital Signage Stele

The Digital Signage Steles are characterized by high-quality electronic components, excellent workmanship and adaptable design.

A professional, brilliant display and a powerful computer with current performance parameters, designed for trouble-free continuous operation, are used. … Read More

fire protection display

Fire Protection Monitor

When buildings are erected, whether hospital, school, restaurant, hotel or trade fair, the subject of fire protection is unavoidable. Architects and engineers must therefore take the currently applicable fire protection regulations into account when planning and equipping buildings. … Read More

Rollstuhlfahrerin von hinten in Bürogebäude

Barrier-Free Solutions

Barrier-free digital signage systems have to meet various criteria: eKiosk supports the development of these special terminals. We want to help make it easy for everyone to participate in social life. Digitally supported and intuitively operated by intelligent software, we hope to make our contribution. … Read More